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Winthrop Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast - Saturday March 1st

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Join us for the annual pancake breakfast fundraiser at the Winthrop Barn Auditorium located at 51 N. Hwy 20, Winthrop, WA 98862. We will be serving up pancakes, eggs, and sausage for $15 per person.

This fundraiser raises resources for the ongoing programs the Winthrop Kiwanis offers for local children, including scholarships, hearing screenings, and more!

Tickets may be purchased at the following businesses:

The Wine Shed
Also, you can call or text Gloria Herron at 425-876-3896 and make arrangements to get tickets.


Increase your giving by purchasing a raffle ticket to win a balloon ride! We thank Snohomish Balloon Ride for their generous donation, which allows all of the raffle proceeds to benefit local children.

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• Each entry will increase your chances of winning. The odds of winning depend on the number of entries.
• The winner will be presented with a voucher for a free balloon ride valued at $375. The winner will coordinate their ride with Snohomish Balloon Rides.
• Must be 18 to enter.
• Purchase tickets from a Kiwanis member or at the pancake breakfast on March 1st.
• The winner will be drawn at 11 am on March 1st.
• You do not need to be present to win.

The Winthrop Kiwanis Family Park Project

For nearly 10 years, Kiwanis Club of Winthrop has had a vision to improve the town property adjacent to the ballfield. In 2020, the Club committed to making the vision a reality in the form of a Family Activity Park.Surveys were conducted with participation of Methow Valley School District students, community members, and the Town Council. Two open houses were held to gain feedback on draft plans for the park.

In 2021, with volunteer assistance from a landscape architect, preliminary drawings were developed showing activities and spaces within the park, with the main attraction continuing to be the existing pump track. A four-phase plan with cost estimates was created to be our guide for the ambitious project.

Today, we have begun phase one with a partnership with the Town of Winthrop. Grants have been written and submitted in hopes of obtaining funding for the project. We continue to seek opportunities for partnerships and funding. We hope you join us in the development of the Family Activity Park. 100% of your donation will go toward helping our vision become a reality.

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Visit our Family Park Project page.


The Club

The Winthrop Kiwanis Club was established in 1949 and has been in continuous operation ever since. The Winthrop Club currently has 32 members who come from throughout the Valley and contribute over 2,700 volunteer hours to the community. Each year the Club holds 4 fund raisers to support a wide variety of projects. We are proud of the fact that 100% of the net proceeds from our fundraisers go back into helping kids and the community.

Our Club meets every Tuesday at 7am at the Winthrop Red Barn…. Meetings run 1 hour…  We will serve you breakfast also!  🙂 


Our Major Fund Raising Events…

49er’s Day Parade and Food Booth – Saturday May 11th, 2024 at Mac Lloyd Park by the Red Barn in Winthrop

Annual Labor Day Weekend Duck Days Family Activities and Duck Race
Duck Days Activities – Sunday September 1st, 2024 from 11am – 3pm at Mac Lloyd Park by the Red Barn in Winthrop
Duck Race – Monday September 2nd, 2024 at Noon

Okanogan County Tourism

Winthrop Kiwanis is a proud partner with our local Chamber of Commerce. Over the years our club has enhanced parks, playgrounds and ball fields to attract tourism to the Methow Valley. Our current project is the creation of the Family Activity Park, an outdoor place for basketball, picnics, natural climbing areas, native plants and trees, and a pump track for bicycle enthusiasts.

See the links below for more information regarding tourism in the Methow Valley and Okanogan County.

Winthrop Chamber Of Commerce
Methow Trails
Winthrop Facebook Page
Okanogan Country Touris